Sunday, August 29, 2021

Is iOS14 Killing Facebook Ads

 If you’re looking for a way out from Facebook Ads, I can’t blame you.

With the launch of the iOS 14.5 update, the rules of online advertising change forever.


As if Facebook’s ad platform didn’t have enough problems already, like…

  • Inconsistent CPMs
  • Inaccurate reporting
  • Ad account bans
  • Frequent bugs
  • And more!

The iOS 14.5 adds fuel to the fire as we’ve never seen before.

That why online advertisers are looking for alternatives to Facebook Ads.

for example, a lot of people try to make YouTube Ads work.

Some people believe “native ads” are the only way to go.

While others burn their money testing different platforms: LinkedIn, Quora, Reddit, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.

Now, I don’t know about you…

But I’m still willing to bet my advertising budget on Facebook & Instagram.


Because I recently took a peek at the future of Facebook Ads.

And despite all the negative changes that come with the iOS 14.5 update…

There’s a NEW technology that makes it possible to run *profitable* ads on Facebook & Instagram.

But there’s a catch:

It’s super-secret stuff, I’m NOT allowed to share it with you today.

Click Here to get access to this software

Exciting times lie ahead.

Stay tuned…

To Your Online Success